Marriage Advice : 20 Years of Lessons Learned
Don't allow others to meddle in your marriage
The issues you are dealing with in your marriage are not bigger than they seem. You add other people suddenly everything is World War Z (divorce). Other people will always make whatever you are going through a lot bigger than it actually is.Be Honest With Each Other
No matter what topic it is, sex, house chores, etc. be honest with each other. None of you are mind readers so it is important to communicate your feelings to prevent misunderstanding.
Communication is the basis of a solid relationship. Without communication you will always be at different stages or states in your relationship.You will always wonder why you care not getting each other.
Probably the number one issue many couples have to face! Sitting down together to budget is absolutely important for the health of your relationship. Face the money issue together to prevent serious damage to your finances. Make sacrifices when necessary as money issues can quickly spiral out of control.
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